Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Stuff I didn't know
Monday, September 29, 2008
Best. Movie. Ever.
Okay, after I wrote about how I like to watch arm wresting on ESPN 2 (see comment section on Just Decided post) I started thinking about one of the best movies ever. Yes, I said it and yes, you can quote me. Over The Top is one of the best movies EVER. Ever people, E-ver. Watch the trailer and remember...this movie is about arm wresting...arm wrestling people. Arm. Wresting. The premise and the entire movie is hilarious, although I don't think it is intended to be a comedy, which makes it all the better. I mean there is a scene (unfortunately not in the trailer) where he is "training" while driving the truck...it's pee in your pants funny. If you have never watched it, you can try the local video store to rent it, but don't be surprised if they don't carry it. While it is awesome, it's not exactly hailed as a cinematic jewel by critics...but they are critics...they are supposed to be critical. Buy it blindly...trust me, it's worth the money. One thing the trailer doesn't draw enough attention to....it's about arm wrestling people. Arm. Wrestling.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Simple Pleasures
Saturday, September 27, 2008
NC Pride 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Just Decided
I was walking in the hall today going to pick up my kids from computer class when I decided...I walk like a lumberjack. Now, I have never actually met a lumberjack (but I would LOVE to because as a kid I thought it would be an AWESOME career choice), nor have I ever really watched lumberjacks walk. Nevertheless, I've decided that my gait would look completely natural if I was schleping down the hall with an ax thrown over my shoulder....just a personal observation I thought I would share.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The pictures says it all...
I'm not sure how this will be interpreted, but such is the story of my life. My dad called the other day and guess what...the rents are coming to visit next month! (Cue heartburn and me opening a new container of Tums.) Now don't misnterpret, I love my parents deeply...see posts My Dad is Awesome, Cookbooks and Dirty Jokes, and Party Hardy to understand more about the relationship I have with them. Now, that being said, it's always stressful when they come to visit. I mean, I can't be the only one who contemplates buying stock in Tums when family is coming to visit, right? Even though I know they love me unconditionally, there is still that "need to please" and the worst thing I could ever do (in my mind) is disappoint the 'rents, thus my major (but totally unnecessary) meltdown when I came out to them, but that's another story for another day. While I am excited to see them (I won't see them again until Christmas because driving 9 hours on Thanksgiving weekend is just insane) it is nerve wracking as well. The need to have the house clean, have my life (somewhat) together, make sure the lawn is mowed (or leaves raked depending on the season), etc. Originally they were going to come this weekend, but I'm going to NC Pride for the first time (I'm fully confident that I will have something to post about after, don't you worry your gay little heads!) and while they don't care about me being gay, in a lot of ways it is still "in theory" to them. By this I mean I've never brought anyone home for them to meet, I don't really talk about going out to gay bars or differentiate in conversation between my gay/straight friends, etc. I mean I very well could have told them I was going to NC Pride, but instead I just said, "I have plans with friends in Durham this weekend." On a positive note I have a month to fester, I mean prepare, before they come!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A little diddy (not about Jack and Diane)
Nothing very exciting happened at work (or life in general) today so here is a little diddy (not about Jack and Diane...unless Jack is short for Jacquline, but I digress) that I've been saving for a day like this when I had nothing else to write.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Not all grapes are created equal
So my roommate and I went to our friendly neighborhood Harris Teeter yesterday, only one of our favorite places to roam. I mean you can't make two people who love all things food much happier than to wander around an awesome grocery store. While in the produce department, which P.S. I love since they label where everything comes from-we try to buy local (and at the farmer's market) as much as possible. Back on track--well as we are wandering we stumbled upon scuppernong grapes. Now, we love wine, specifically scuppernong wine is our favorite local sweet wine.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Party Hardy
What did you do on your Saturday night? I stayed home, did 6 loads of laundry, ironed forEVER, and watched Big Daddy-it's my all time favorite movie (don't judge, I could lie and say some profound, life changing movie was my favorite, but really?). Now I was thoroughly enjoying my evening until my mom called around 9:30 and when I giddily gave her the run-down of what I was doing her response was, "Easy does it there kid, you don't want to party too hard tonight. I mean, pace yourself with ironing those shirts." I (of course) had a snide comment that I don't remember, and went on with the conversation scrutinizing her plans and arguing over who was leading a more exciting life. Now true, her evening was better-she and my dad went out riding on their motorcycles, but all-in-all I still think mine rocked because a) I got all my laundry done b) I love to iron (yes, you read correctly, and it's okay to insert your laughter here) c) I watched my favorite movie and d) I found that mixing vanilla rum and coke zero was just as awesome as I thought it would be. Side note: My mom and I have a twisted relationship (see Cookbooks and Dirty Jokes post if you don't believe me). Additional case and point on this-I called her on my way home from work the other day, first thing out of her mouth when she answers, "OOO, my phone was on vibrate, thanks for the cheep thrill." REALLY? This is why I often call her by her first name, because seriously, how else can you respond to your mom when they answer the phone like that? So in conclusion, I had a very quiet (but awesome) Saturday night and my mom confirmed yet again that we have a twisted relationship. Can anyone beat that for a Saturday night?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Hot Dog Y'all!
I feel like I shouldn't be as excited as I am about this...but I'll take what I can get.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Can't keep my big mouth shut
I can't keep my big mouth shut. Don't even front like you are surprised, I know you're not. So, you would think that I would have learned this lesson by now...um no, I never get the lesson, I just keep on talking, digging the hole deeper and deeper dealing with the consequences later. I met with my new assistant principal to talk about a math program that I am "allegedly piloting" I say allegedly and put it into quotes because it's very hard to pilot a program when you haven't been trained and are missing half of the materials, but that is a rant for another day...back on track...so we started talking "off the record" about assessments, expectations, and policy. Me and my big mouth (which have I mentioned I can't keep shut?) volunteer that I don't follow "the rules" because I am against following something simply because it's based on the current book that our curriculum person is infatuated with and quotes as the end-all-be-all since I know she will find some other book next year, contradict herself from this year, and speak to us about it as if she has agreed all along and we are the ones who don't know what is best for our students. (I know-smooth move slick, way to dog the curriculum person at our school and make yourself look like an ass to the new guy) He looked at me curiously when I told him I don't follow "the rules" to which I added (stupidly) "and I don't plan on starting now. I do what works for me and my kids. Don't worry, I'll get the results the school wants, I just have to do it my way. You can look at my record...all of my kids from last year, with the exception of four-one who has an IQ in the 70s, two I tried to hold back, and the fourth only missed it by a few points-scored 3s and 4s on the pretest this year...rules are meant to be broken when they don't work." The ENTIRE TIME I was talking out loud I could hear the internal conversation with myself going, "shut-up-shut-up-shut-up-shut-up-shut-up-shut-up-shut-up-shut-up" but we all know at this point that I can't keep my big mouth shut and I don't listen to my own sound advice. So hopefully I didn't just put a huge bulls-eye on my back to be watched to see if my kids this year succeed (which they will) while I'm not following "the rules" which side note: are actually not supposed to be rules but are supposed to be used as suggestions, but again that's another embittered teacher rant for another day...one day I'll learn to keep my big mouth shut...actually let's not lie, I probably won't...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Being a child's advocate
Monday, September 15, 2008
Who'da thunk it?
So I started this wee little (wee little...seriously...it's no where's near St. Patrick's Day, where the heck did that come from??? ANYWAY) blog back in the beginning of July, just as a way for me to get my thoughts out and ramble about my life. I may be a teacher by trade, but I have to write to feel like myself. This little rambling blog was really intended for no one but me. I mean other people were welcome to read it, but honestly why would they? I don't think my life is necessarily all that interesting-although sometimes it is a bit funny, and always random-but not necessarily interesting. Anyway, enough self-deprecation and back to the point of this post. So I logged on about an hour ago because I was going to write about something random that happened at work today, but when I did I decided to completely forgo that post and replace it with one more relevant. What would make me completely change my post when I logged on you ask...drumroll please...I discovered that I have my first follower to my blog! Now, others have posted comments, which is awesome because not only did you read it, but you had something to add, but a follower...that just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Who would have thought that someone would want to follow what I have to say, certainly not me...but now a weird complex has arisen. Now I feel that I have to say something of value, of substance, something worth reading, but alas, that is not my style. My style (as you know if you've been reading) is to ramble, often about nothing, often off topic, and often on a soapbox. In conclusion: Who'da thunk it? Certainly not me.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Where has this been all my life?
So, my roommate and I have lived together for almost 6 years now (yes I know, slightly co-dependent, we are aware of this) and in order for us to remain friends we have figured out that we need scheduled "Friend Time" every week. Otherwise, we quickly turn into people who just reside at the same home, but don't ever hang out. Now normally "Friend Time" is on Sunday evenings, but our best friend G was coming into town on Saturday, so we hung out with her for about three hours and then had "Friend Time" on Saturday night instead. Our original plan was to rent Baby Mama from the Redbox, but alas, it was sold out...I mean how dare they go and jack-up our plans??? Instead we rented Blades of Glory, which ALLEGEDLY I have seen in the theater, have the ticket stub to prove it and everything...but that is a very long story for another day. Anyway, after we went to get the movie and dinner (a.k.a. junk food) we headed over to the ABC store because we were almost out of vodka and rum, which clearly would not do. Here's the scene and events that unfolded as we were walking through the ABC store:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Anyone else have little parrots?
Ok, this post is directed to all teachers (and parents too, I guess) who have children parrot them during the day. It cracks me up when they say my "catch phrases" that I didn't even realize I say ALL the stinkin' time until I hear it from them. Case and point: Today in math I was calling on all different kids to create a story problem based on how many objects were on the overhead. Well, in a hurry to wrap up the lesson and actually get us to lunch on time I forgot to say what I apparently must say a lot after kids try something new, "Clap it up for (insert name here)!" because the last little boy who shared his story indignantly quipped to his classmates, "What? Aren't y'all going to clap it up for me?" Later at the end of the day another child was sharing objects from their schema box and when he finished, before I could say anything, a little girl in class called out, "Come on y'all, clap it up for him!" The best part--I have NO IDEA when the "clap it up" thing started but I dig it and am going to keep rolling with it. Which got me thinking about all of the random things I say...
Monday, September 8, 2008
I heart my job!
It's that time of year...meeting are in full swing, assessments are all due WAY TOO SOON, there doesn't seem to be enough time to get everything (or anything) done, and everyone's stress level is through the roof. Somehow I had avoided this feeling...that is until a meeting today where it hit me in the chest like a ton of erasers when I found out that dates of when things are due was moved up, as well as more paperwork that needs to be done. I finally felt the pressure and about cracked when I got home (I refuse to ever show stress, fear, anxiety or tears at work), until I was retelling a story from this morning about a kid in my class to my roommate. Here's a little background on this kid...hand picked for my class because of, quote, "his issues", sent to the office for struggling to stay in his own personal space (a.k.a. jumping on other kids, pulling on their clothes and limbs, roughhousing on the playground and in the gym, etc.), he's been suspended from the bus for hitting, and generally has had some problems in the past. None of these things have been issues this year, although he did get suspended from the bus last week for biting...yes biting...another student. In class he is as good as gold-eager to please, participates, helpful, tries his best so on and so on. I mean, I can't ask for much more than that. So, to the story that started it all-here's the scene: as he is walking back to his seat from throwing trash away, he stops, wraps his little arms around my waist and leans his head on my back while I am putting away papers in a folder...
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tropical Storm Hanna and the Weather Channel can suck it
I know....the title is a little abrasive, but hear (well read...but that just sounds dumb) me out first.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My Gay Posse
Don't get my wrong, I love my straight friends. They have been with me for a long time and through the good, the bad, the ugly, and the things I wish they would let me forget but never will. However, that being said, I love my gay posse.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Barreling out of the closet
I was talking with one of my close friends a couple of weeks ago and I've realized that when I came out to everyone that mattered I didn't just come out of the closet-I came barreling out. I started going to gay bars, found a "gay posse" to join, began dressing a little differently (what feels right to me and not like I'm playing dress-up everyday), and while my life is very much the same as it was before I was out, it's very different too. I didn't mean to change my life, make new friends, alter my dress, etc. but it all seems natural...and I'm a lot happier. I was so tired of lying and pretending and ignoring, that when I stopped I completely stopped and began living my life authentically and for me. I missed that whole "finding myself" time in college and now that I'm in my mid-twenties I finally know who I am and what I want. Don't get me wrong, it's created a lot of great changes in my life, but there is a part of my that wants to step back because it is a lot of change I was just curious if anyone else found that this happened to them as well. Let me know if you've gone through this in your own life, felt backlash from friends who don't care that you're gay but are afraid of loosing you, etc.