Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 4...

My house is clean. There is nothing left to clean. The laundry is done. There is nothing left to wash. I tried out a new recipe today and I will be making it for Girlfriend in the near future. I'm bored out of my mind and guess what....SCHOOL IS CLOSED AGAIN TOMORROW!!!!!
Holy mother f*cker I have GOT to get out of this house. I will be venturing out and "opting" to work because I really think I might loose it if I stay inside for another day. There is no more snow in my neighborhood but I'm guessing that there must be some really bad roads in the county for them to close school 3 days in a row. Here's hoping I keep my sanity...


Taylor said...

Now you know how I felt during the holiday break. I had an entire month off with no job and bad weather. I did venture out on NYE but the drive home the next morning was not fun. Hangover+bright sun on shiny snow+an hour drive home=major headache that not even sunglasses can prevent.
I hope you don't lose your mind because I really like reading your blog. Try to stay sane and be safe on the roads!

ellebee13 said...

You and me both! I'm about to go crazy with the kids here! I don't understand why they can't go back to school!!! I'm thinking we'll be bowling again or maybe a movie. It's getting too expensive for them to be out much longer. AND they are calling for more ickiness on Fri or Sat! This is getting cruel!

weese said...

ok...you know - from the pictures it looks like you got under a foot of snow.
who closes school for that?
I have never even heard of schools being closed for 3 or more days.
It happened once here I think in the 70's but we had over 2 feet in one storm.

The Surprise Dyke said...

Taylor-I'm glad you like my blog and I'll do my best to thing of things to write while being trapped inside. On the bright side I'm 100% sure that I will have awesomeness to write about when we finally go back to school!

The Surprise Dyke said...

Ellebee13-Don't even mention the bad weather coming this weekend, it's totally f*cking up rescheduled plans from last weekend :-(

The Surprise Dyke said...

Weese-we got 8 inches but it's more a problem of ice and gravel roads lined with trees. The constant shade keeps it from melting and the busses can't get through. I don't really get it either because my neighborhood (which does not get plowed) is totally fine today.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there.

The Surprise Dyke said...

Dragon-thanks, I'm trying!