Thursday, March 11, 2010

Prayers Please

As you read earlier this week I had a ton of blood work and an MRI done yesterday because of some weird episodes I have been having for the past few weeks. Here is a recap of my symptoms-dizziness, headache, blurred/overlapping vision, difficulty concentrating, loss of coordination, loss of stable balance, head to toe tingling in waves, numbness in fingertips and toes, fatigue, muscle weakness. My doctor called today with the results of all my tests. My vitamin D and iron levels are low so I need to take supplements. My MRI came back "stone cold normal" except....for swelling around the right occipital nerve. He then told me that it may indicate the onset of MS. After I got off the phone with him I looked up symptoms of MS-I read like a textbook case. All I could say for about ten minutes was, "But I'm only 26 years old." Tomorrow I go back to the hospital to start three days of Solumedrol IV treatment to try and help with the inflammation. Home Health will be bringing the second and third treatments to my house this weekend. I also have a Visual Evoked Potential test sometime next week and depending on those findings a lumbar puncture (a.k.a. spinal tap) after that. When I called Girlfriend and told her what the doctor said here's a chunk of our conversation:

Girlfriend: Honey I'm so sorry
Me: I'm sorry too
Girlfriend: Why are you sorry?
Me: This is not what we had planned
Girlfriend: No it's not, but I love you. Everything will be ok. We are in this together.

Cue the waterworks people, because I LOST it then. I talked with my grade level after school at our planning time and they are WONDERFUL. They are taking care of all my lesson plans for next week so I can just relax this weekend. My mom finally stopped crying after I talked with her and I'm trying to convince her not to come down yet. I don't want her to come down until after we know more, because right now there is nothing she (or anyone) can do. Girlfriend and I have canceled all plans this weekend and she's coming to stay with me tonight and take me to/from the hospital tomorrow.

Readers, if you are praying people I ask for your prayers at this time. Prayers not only for me, but for my family.


eb said...

Wow. Well, I'm not a praying person in terms of praying to a higher being but think good thoughts and wish you the very best of luck with this battle - for you and your family. My heart goes out to you.

vixen kitten said...

You and all those who love you, and those you hold close to your heart will be in my prayers.

Please keep us posted.

Sending you lots of positive energy and hugs.


Anonymous said...

You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

It's a difficult time for you but with strong support system of family, friends and your girl friend, you will get through this bump. Hugs and positive thoughts.

SquirtyB said...

I am soo soo sorry. I can't imagine how scary this must be for you and your family.

I just had a friend diagnosed with MS at the age of 28. She was devastated but is go glad she was finally diagnosed and treated. She is feeling so much more like herself than she has in a while!

Will keep you and your family in my thoughts.

Vikki said...

I am so sorry. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way...

Taylor said...

I am hoping and praying that everything turns out fine. MS is very scary. It runs in my family so I kind of know what you are going through. I pray that you and your family have strength to get through this difficult time.

Angela said...

Wow. That's rough. I just prayed for you. Hang in there.