Monday, November 30, 2009


Girlfriend and I were at Lowes food getting dinner supplies when we came across this lovely sign. Seriously, who the hell is in charge of the spell check at Lowes? Apparently no one. It gets worse people...the parmesan cheese says, "Tradtional style" leaving me concerned about the future of our country.


crystal said...

I think that qualifies as a "headline" send it in to Leno!

kim said...

omg. stuff like this makes me want to rip my eyeballs out...

or shove a spellchecker into theirs. lol

Erin said...

This makes me want to take a red sharpie, cross it out and spell it correctly. Rar.

Actually I think you should start carrying a red sharpie with you and correct those mistakes ;) being a teacher and all. That would be AWESOME.

Nulaanne said...

But I like Potoatoes.

beans said...

hahah--i get so mad at that stuff!

(my security word is undies!!--that made me smile!)

CJ said...

And people wonder why other countries think we Americans are stupider than they are!

ellebee13 said...

Ah, that was super funny! Thanks for the picture.

Where in NC are you? I'm in Durham.