I wanted to spare you the gross factor and not show you my jacked up hand, but since I got a request (and I hate to disappoint) I feel obligated to share a picture. In case you are wondering, no, that's not a shadow-my finger really is three different colors. I wore a band-aid over it today so the kids couldn't see it, but they got curious when they saw all the blue/purple/black. I showed those that were interested in seeing it and told them the story of what happened-being sure to include how I didn't cry once...they were thoroughly impressed (as they should be) and I've reclaimed my rightful spot as toughest kid in class. Fun Story: One kid fell on the playground today and was rolling around as if they were dying (he was totally fine and milking it). As I was watching this unfold I overheard one student look down and say, "You're fine." Then another classmate joined in with, "Yeah, it's not like you stabbed a knife through your finger like Miss ______, you just tripped." I'm glad to know that my pain and suffering is now the gauge as to which child complaints are judged by their peers.
Now, did you get a chance to see any bone? Just wondering.
That's what mine looked like when I jammed it into a glass to wash it and the glass broke! Same shape and colors and all! I doused it in peroxide, sealed it up with super glue and slapped a band aid on it.
Awesome. Thank you.
Jude-No, but I also wasn't pulling apart the skin to check :-)
CJ- That's pretty much what the doctor did, just wondering did it leave a scar?
Vikki-No problem. I aim to please :-)
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