Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A for Awkward.

So, I logged on to facebook earlier today and I had a friend request. Nothing strange here, I get friend requests randomly as do all facebook users. However, the strange part came when I clicked to see who wanted to be my friend. Get ready people....are you ready? My mom. Seriously. My mom wants to be my friend on facebook. WTF.

A few things about my mom that make this an awkward situation:
1) She is much cooler than me so the sheer fact that she didn't already have a facebook is weird 2) She violates the "mom code" on a near daily basis and thus is typically referred to by her birth-given name and rarely "Mom" see Cookbooks and Dirty Jokes as an example
3) I'm a little creeped out by the idea of her being my friend on's just too.....personal

It took me a couple of hours to decide what to do. I talked with a good friend back in Jersey and he said, "Totally add her!" I regarded his answer as null and void simply because a) he does not have his parents on facebook and b) he likes my mom (oh, and his opinion wasn't what I wanted to hear). I then text messaged Girlfriend who replied with, "That's why I blocked my dad from being able to find me." which also was useless because hell, she already found me. Finally I called my mom and laid down some "ground rules" if you will before I would add her. Basic stuff really-no friending my friends without permission, make sure you know the difference between Wall-to-Wall and private messages, etc.

Um yeah, we shall see how this goes...


Erin said...

Whew. Posts like these make me glad my mom can't even turn on a computer.

Glad you have ground rules! haha

Squirty said...

You are a brave soul. My mother pretends to have boundaries...but it is all a lie. Good luck!

The Surprise Dyke said...

Carolyn-sometimes I wish she couldn't turn one on, but then I remember she is my go-to person when I have computer trouble

The Surprise Dyke said...

Squirty-we shall see how the "boundaries" work out...

raych said...

my dad added me on facebook, too. i figure if he sees / reads something that he doesn't like, it's his own fault.

sheA said...

JerSAyYYY-B is for BaHAHahahHAHahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa- that's a cute story....kinda makes me wanna facebookfriend yer mom... *wink*

The Surprise Dyke said...

Raych-I think I just like a little distance with the fam...

The Surprise Dyke said...

Shea-S is for so you think it's funny? Wait until it happens with your family, then I will laugh at you :-)