Sunday, April 19, 2009

Best. Birthday. Ever.

*Disclaimer* If you are not in the mood to read a mushy, romantic, near vomit-worthy post...then skip this entry. If however, you are in a mushy, romantic, near vomit-worthy mood, read on my followers, read on....

I have had the best birthday ever...and it's not even my birthday yet. My "official" birthday is tomorrow, but since it is on a Monday, and it's the first day back to work, I celebrated my "birthday weekend" from Friday to Sunday...and it has been FAN-f*cking-TASTIC. Now, I love my family and they have always thrown me great birthday parties, given me well-planned and thoughtful gifts, but they are my family and to some extent it is expected. What was not expected was Girlfriend going way above and way beyond to give me the best. birthday. weekend. ever. Seriously.

It started on Friday when we went to dinner, a random artsy-fartsy movie and back to her place for the night (insert implied dirty things here___). Saturday we got up and went to the art museum for an Earth Day festival thing-which was fun AND had great people watching...I mean a bunch of tree-hugging [mostly] vegetarians, lots of families with little entertaining kids and tons of "family" know it was a good time. Before we left her house to go to said festival she was on the phone and made me stay in another room while she talked. When we left the art museum she informed me we had to go somewhere to pick up something...but that's all I could know. How about Girlfriend totally ordered gluten-free cupcakes for us and our friends so I could have cupcakes for my birthday. How cute is that!?!?! She already was amazing, I know this and you know this. Birthday bonus points #1-she thought ahead, ordered special cupcakes AND double checked on a pickup time in the morning. We then headed to my place to change for dinner when she decided I could have my birthday present. Apparently, it arrived at her house about 30 minutes before I did and she was stressing about getting it wrapped before I got there. She comes out of my room with a big box wrapped in the gayest rainbow paper I've ever seen topped with a big silver bow. Really. Her statement as she handed it to me, "Do you like the paper? It's super gay, like your present." (If you are like me, get your minds out of the gutter) Birthday bonus points #2-She got me custom shoes. Now, that might seem like a weird gift, but really I was left without words. Girlfriend ordered me dark green shell toed Adidas with white stripes, AND had my initials embroidered on the sides. Seriously. Someone was listening. Yes, as if the gluten-free cupcakes weren't enough, this just set her over the edge. Finally after a short nap and changed clothes (to match my new shoes of course!) we went to dinner with friends and then to the local gay bar (duh) for some serious fun birthday drunkenness. My friends are amazing and because I know my limit and there are several drinks waiting for me next time we go out-extra birthday bonus in a few weeks! Needless to say the night ended VERY well for me (again, insert implied dirty things here ____) and I have two weeks before Girlfriend's birthday. I'm just saying, she went way above and way beyond any expectations and I have got to do something spectacular for her.

So in conclusion: best. birthday. ever. I now have two weeks to come up with something equally great for girlfriend...wish me luck...


Rebecca said...

Nothing quite like someone who gets you what will make YOU happy, now that is LOVE!

Erin said...

Awwww that is so awesome! She's a keeper!

Good luck planning for her birthday! Any ideas yet?

Erin said...

P.S. Happy Birthday!

The Surprise Dyke said...

Propane Amy-She's pretty amazing, I'm not exactly sure how I got so lucky :-)

The Surprise Dyke said...

Rebecca-so true!

The Surprise Dyke said...

Carolyn-Tell me about it! I have an idea that I am still attempting to put together...hopefully it will work out, wish me luck!

The Surprise Dyke said...

Carolyn- P.S.-Thanks :-)

LilliGirl said...

Wow - you better listen mighty hard. :)

The Surprise Dyke said...

LilliGirl-Oh I have, no worries :-)

beans said...

sounds like it was a fantastical time!!! glad it was good and that you had a great time!

The Surprise Dyke said...

Beans-I totally did :-)

lesbo said...

Eek! I just realized I never posted a comment to this!
How. Awesome. Is. She!!?!??!
So exciting!

The Surprise Dyke said...

Lesbo-totally forgiven, and she is SUPER amazing!!!