I really wanted to use the title "Are you kidding me???" but I've already used "R U Kidding?" in a previous post about the ridiculousness of text language being spoken and the I thought I could title it "Seriously???" but that has been used, so has "For Effin Serious People. For. Effin. Serious". Which basically tells me that I need to work on my descriptive language...so, by default I've titled this post You decide and I'll change it....because if you decide on a title and I think it's good, I'll change it to that...kinda like the choose your own adventure books...but not...
Wow, very long intro, anyhoo...here is the scene/story...you decide on a title...
I was in the car driving home from church this morning (like the good little Christian I am) and on the radio I hear....wait for it....wait for it.....the twelve days of Christmas. I'll give you a moment to process that. Moment over. What the hell??????? (ooo, maybe that should be the title?) Now, I have nothing against the song, but I do have a MAJOR issue when it is being played on November 16...that's just wrong. I love Christmas, it's my favorite holiday following Groundhog Day (yes, I am completely serious) but I have a HUGE problem celebrating holidays out of order. It wigs me out to see Christmas decorations next to Halloween ones, and to hear Christmas songs before Thanksgiving...it's just wrong. Wrong I tell you! Wrong! On the plus side, I got an e-mail from a friend recommending a shirt for me to wear home. (Side note: I own no gay paraphernalia. No pride necklaces, no "Lez be friends" shirts. None of that...generally I think it is corny, but that's just me.) I busted apart laughing and decided right then and there I was wearing this at Christmastime at my parents' house.
I know, I know, you are dying to see it....wait no longer peoples....here you go:
How awesome is that! I guess it would help to tell you that my mom has like a million (okay 35ish) holiday sweaters that she wears during the season. I can already tell you what the reaction will be from each of the rents...Mom--laughter, "That's awesome!" Dad--shake head, deep sigh, "Really kid?" (while deep down inside I know he thinks it's awesome too) I'm stoked...thoughts/opinions/title/etc.?
How about: Christmas in November?
It's like being Canadian here and celebrating Thanksgiving in October hehe.
I am dreading December, because as much as I love Christmas (because I love buying stuff for my little cousins) I will dread going to work every day and listening to the same music CD in loop for 8 hours.
Squee I hold a special place in my heart for Groundhogs day because of my AP chem teacher. hehe.
P.S. I love the shirt.
how bout this....At least it's not Wisconsin -where...not only ONE...but 2....2 ....2 freakkkkinaHHH ( with the emphasis on the naHHHH ) radio staions started playing Christmas songs on the day of Halloween. I am not even kidding about that...Effin serious.... 95.7 and 99.1
this is how I feel about the people who decide that a radio station should reach out to us with Christmas songs BEFORE Thanksgiving.... These are the same people who spit their chewing gum on the sidewalk so you can step in it and have like a 100 foot string of spongy yuckiness attached to your foot when you finally realize what is going on - ALSO- these are the same people who leave their carts in the parking lot when it would be just as easy to run them up in those little metal corals- and yes, you know what coes next- the said runaway cart slammmmmms into OTHER people's cars leaving dents.....
\0/ bravo for the tshirt!!!!
They are also the same people who don't understand why we (a.k.a. the normal people) get irritated with all the holiday cheer hoopla. Well I'm sorry, if you want me to be "in the spirit of the season" you need to wait for the season to get here...it would be like me demanding you observe Groundhog Day from Christmas Eve to St. Patrick's Day....it's just wrong....and how do they never step in their own gum???
Shea and Carolyn--I'm glad y'all like the shirt! I was a little nervous about the whole, I'm giving in to the rainbow-wearing-homo-clothing-and-accessories-lifestyle...but I think I'll be okay as long as it's just this one and it's for a specific holiday...right?
yep yep- i'm down with the clothes for the holidays.... sidenote totally Unrelated to this post tell me that you are ok in your neck of the woods- I just saw the weather update with a North Carolinian ToRnAdo and hope that you weren't involved.
ps - totally forgot to add this before- look at you going all international- Yer the greatest!!!!!!!!! Glad you're are my people.
Hmm actually I think celebrating Groundhogs day from Christmas eve til St. Patricks day is an awesome idea.
I also had no idea there was a homo-clothing-and-accessory-lifestyle. hehe. I don't think I own anything that falls into that catagory either. But the shirt is just awesome.
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