Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nothing Exciting Here

Monday school was closed for "inclement weather" I put those words in quotes because it was f*cking gorgeous (cold but gorgeous) and didn't start to snow until AFTER FOUR PM. Tuesday morning school was closed and there actually was some inclement weather, ice to be specific. Wednesday has already been called off because of ice. Now, we use to call a delay and see what happens as the morning goes on but noooooooo, now we must shut down right away. What does this mean in the big scheme of things? I have to go to school this Saturday and Saturday the 29th. Awesome.


Taylor said...

Well at least you don't have to drive to school on snow covered roads. Area schools closed however the college I attend still had classes. I had to leave an hour early just so I wouldn't be late to class. I would like a day off for 'inclement weather'.

LilliGirl said...

wow...Saturday school sucks. We just build in snow days and then if we use too many we throw up our hands and just say we had extra days built in or take away teacher development days or something

beans said...

ohh, that is all sorts of wrong. i am sorry . . .