Friday, August 14, 2009

Spoiled but not rotten

I think we have established that Girlfriend is a lucky woman. Yes, I am also a lucky woman because she puts up with the inadvertent jackass things I occasionally say, but that is neither here nor there. Back to my point-not to sound like a conceited asshole, but I'm a good catch. Seriously-I cook, I clean, I do laundry, I iron said laundry, I make breakfast in bed, I fix things when they break, I pack lunch for work complete with a funny/mushy/silly note depending on my mood, I buy flowers just because, I send you with your favorite chocolates when you have a long trip and I will even be genuinely nice to your homophobic relatives.
In short, I (gladly and willingly) spoil Girlfriend and today is no different. Those of you who follow me on Twitter (or just read the updates in the right hand column here) know that Girlfriend surprised me with an impromptu visit last night and we have a Gaytastic (yes I just made that up because no other word fits) weekend ahead with the NC Gay and Lesbian Film Festival and seeing Amy Ray in concert. It's also our anniversary and that means presents! I'm *slightly* a perfectionist when it comes to wrapping gifts and Girlfriend's present has a LOT of tape on the back and sides. Side note: she laughs whenever I wrap anything because as she says, "I act like it's going to be put through a wind tunnel" and if it is traveling in a car it will have at least two layers of tissue paper, each individually taped before getting to the wrapping paper. Anyway, here is her gift:
What is in the impeccably wrapped box you ask? Well open it up and look inside...

Ok, so the fact that it lays in the box in the shape of a heart is totally cheesy and unplanned. Despite the cheesiness I think she will really like it. It's simplistic, silver and is suitable for wearing with jeans (which is her work attire) or dress pants. I'm off to get eggplant because dinner tonight is eggplant of her favorite dishes :-)


beans said...

Ohh, pretty!

The Surprise Dyke said...

Beans-Girlfriend said almost the exact same phrase!

Erin said...

Ya'll are too cute. I love how meticulous you are about everything =)

LilliGirl said...

Ugh...Girlfriend is a lucky woman. :)

lesbo said...
