Sunday, August 23, 2009


Well it has finally happened. My roommate is moving out towards the end of September and the house in is shambles as she is in the process of packing what is going with her, what is going to Goodwill and what is going in the trash. She and I had been talking about this for a while, and she was considering buying a house but has decided to move to a one bedroom apartment in a complex about 10 minutes away. No, we didn't have a fight or anything but after seven years (don't judge us) it just seems like time. Even though I knew it was coming it's still sad.
Ok, I'm going to level with you-I'm super super sad...about the washer and dryer. They belong to her and will be leaving along with the microwave, all the glasses in the house, and random other things. It's all the the little things that we have each bought over the last seven years that have created an admittedly awkward dynamic (Girlfriend thinks it's weird but whatever) that has worked for us but now we are dividing things as if we are going through some strange and genuinely amicable divorce. Honestly the hardest part really is the washer and you know how expensive those things are?!?!

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