Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Oh Snap!

I think we might have covered this before, but just in case: I'm helping Girlfriend bring the phrase "Oh Snap" back. It's a shame it ever left, so while it started with just her, I and several of our friends, have joined in for the comeback. Feel free to reintroduce it to your weekly (daily might be a bit excessive) vernacular. It takes a village to make a phrase people, it takes a village...ANYHOO some shameless self-promotion of my first post over at Grace the Spot. Check it out if you are so inclined and feel free to comment-agree, disagree, I was trying to think of a third choice but I'm not sure there is one so you are being forced to make a choice...I guess not commenting would be the third choice but that's lame.


lesbo said...

i totally use "oh snap" way too often... oops.

The Surprise Dyke said...

Lesbo-at least you are helping it stay alive :-)

Erin said...

Is it ok if I sometimes I forget the 'oh' and just say 'snap'?

The Surprise Dyke said...

Carolyn-totally fine, you have the essence of the phrase :-)