Whatever. I stand behind my statement and make no apologies for offending or running my mouth. Remember the situation with this woman? Well she was running her mouth about how we need to do another set of running records for our students before the end of the year. Eleven days away. She went on about what our grade level needed to do, and how we shouldn't have waited to the last minute, and if we were better at time management we wouldn't have a problem now, etc. (Don't you want to slap her too???) I [shockingly] ran my mouth about how we were prepping for the EOG, tested students for four hours a day, did remediation for those that didn't pass, have retesting next week AND if she had been in a classroom in the past five years she would have a clue about the reality of what we need, should and can do. Oops. Hey, my grade level buddies laughed because if I was going down I was bringing them with me :-)
In other fun work news my grade level is fighting about who knows what. Two of them are pissed at the other four but won't tell us what's wrong or what we did (clearly they have been spending WAY too much time with eight year olds) and one even went as far as sitting with us outside during recess, faced the other way and pouted as if to say, "Just so you know, I'm ignoring you." Yes, we have tried finding out what the problem is so we can fix it. One tells us, "I'm fine." The other....crickets. All I know is that when a kindergarten teacher randomly said that grade levels are a family I blurted out, "Then we totally are a family. Some of us hate each other but need to get over it because we are stuck together. They need to get over themselves, put a smile on their face, and shut it for the next eleven days." Again, yeah....that jewel got me a high five from one of my cohorts who is equally frustrated and completely clueless as to what is going on. Yup, I'm two for two this week.
In conclusion: Teachers get punchy as the days wind down. If you see a car with a school faculty sticker on the back, don't piss them off. We are all ready to cut a b*tch.