Monday, October 19, 2009


So it's official, I've been quarantined to my house because I have the flu. It's quite ironic that Girlfriend works at the human vaccine institute and I have the flu. At least it's the regular old flu and not the super scary one. I wasn't going to post anything today but the conversation at the clinic today was too funny not to share. Here's some more info about me that you probably didn't want to know but matters to the story. So my period started Sunday morning and was crazy intense for about 3 hours and has almost stopped today which had me worried and it why I went to the clinic in the first place. When talking with the doctor I explained the situation and here is our conversation:

Me: So, is that okay? This has never happened before.
Doctor: Well let's do a pregnancy test just to be sure, but I think it's probably related to the flu.
Me: There's no need for that. I'm 100% certain I'm not pregnant.
Doctor: No sex? At all?
Me: Well not with men and if my girlfriend has gotten me pregnant I've got bigger problems than the flu.
Doctor: (Dropping his pen) Uh. Yeah, I guess that would be a bigger problem.

His facial reaction was priceless and he was just stumped as how to respond. Anyway, I just wanted to share and now I'm going back to bed. I NEED to be better by this weekend because it is Girlfriend's high school reunion. On a positive note, my co-workers are AMAZING! One of them just called me and told me not to worry about sub plans, they would take care of everything for my students this week. I'm going to need to buy them cookies or something next week...


Mel's Way or No Way said...

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Loved your conversation with the doctor. I bet it's one he won't forget anytime soon. :)

lesbo said...

that's always a fun conversation.
feel better!

LilliGirl said...

I hope you feel better...Love the test though.

CJ said...

Yikes! Hope you're feeling better and I'm glad you don't have the piggy flu!!

Margo said...

I love this story - except the part about having the flu.
I love the mouth open - pen dropping - stopped in their tracks reactions.

Erin said...

I litereally LOL'd when I read that conversation.

Glad you have some awesome coworkers =) My coworker's solution was to hold me down and administer a flu shot. Then I catch a cold. hahah serves them right =P

I hope you feel better soon! Flu sucks.

Vikki said...

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

LOL that's awesome!

ellebee13 said...

Re: the conversation with your doc...

When my son was born, every 6 hours I had a nurse trying to talk birth control with me and every time I explained that it was not necessary (last time I checked the woman standing over there holding the baby was unable to get me pregnant only worked this time because of deals with the devil.) they never knew what to say. And living in NC made them all the more scared!