Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Daily Schedule

It's amazing how little there is to blog about when you are homeless and not working. Here's what I did today: fed the animals, covered myself in sunblock in preparation for laying out by the pool, gave up after 2 hours of overcast, made lunch, played with animals, searched for jobs and homes online. See why I have not blogged recently? THIS IS NOT INTERESTING. What IS interesting is that I have another job interview tomorrow before we head out to the beach :-) Yesterday I sat in a workshop with my current co-workers and we began planning out the first nine weeks of the school year. They have NO idea that I have been interviewing any may be leaving, I felt crappy keeping it from them but it was better to keep it a secret than risk my "possible" departure turning into a big dramatic thing around the school rumor mill. We still have not heard back from the bank, but are keeping our fingers crossed that they will give us a reply next week. That's all for now, hopefully something more interesting will happen that gives me something to write about!

1 comment:

LilliGirl said...

beach is awesome and as the wifey said, you are too. Fingers crossed for good news!